Questions asked to Bartenders

  1. Why did you choose to work at the Catalina?
    I come from an impoverished planet and managed to reach this moon and the city. Landing a job here is a dream realized for me.
  2. What is your birth galaxy?
    Neetoi, my friend! It’s a bit rough, but it’s home to this place and Slytia.
  3. What did you do before you came to work here?
    Life’s been a constant struggle, just running around trying to survive and secure my next meal, especially outside the city walls. I have no desire to return to that kind of life.
  4. Do you like working here?
    I absolutely adore my job here. As I mentioned, it’s a dream come true. I get to work alongside wonderful and diverse individuals, including beautiful women, and welcome people from across the universe to this remarkable place.
  5. Do you like your co-workers?
    They may tease me from time to time, but I genuinely enjoy being around them. I don’t have any grievances or complaints.