Questions asked to Bartenders

  1. Why did you choose to work at the Catalina?
    I didn’t have a choice when it came to working here. My journey started with deception and kidnapping, followed by being sold a few times. Eventually, a kind but eccentric woman rescued me. Now, I find myself stuck here because it’s the only safe place I know. I didn’t choose this path, and I really don’t want to be here or work in this place.
  2. What is your birth galaxy?
  3. What did you do before you came to work here?
    I used to work as a model. While I may not have been the best, I now regret ever chasing the dream of traveling the universe. All I really want is to return to the way things were before.
  4. Do you like working here?
    No, I don’t think any of the employees here are sane. I yearn to return to my home galaxy, but sadly, I lack the funds to make the journey.
  5. Do you like your co-workers?
    I don’t belong here.