Birth Galaxy: Neetoi

Hailing from the enigmatic Neetoi galaxy, Hector is a unique individual who carved his path amidst the cosmic tapestry. A few revolutions of the celestial clock ago, he sought refuge on the moon of Mer, a sanctuary where the stars whispered secrets and the galaxies painted stories in the night sky. An unexpected twist of fate brought him into the fold of Pop’s enclave—a tight-knit community where entry was usually barred for men. However, Hector’s charisma and spirit managed to sway the rules in his favor, earning him a coveted spot within their ranks.

Beyond his unconventional entrance, Hector possesses a remarkable talent that transcends realms: culinary prowess. His nimble fingers dance with ingredients, orchestrating harmonious symphonies of flavor that leave celestial connoisseurs awestruck. Each dish he conjures is a celestial canvas, painted with the colors of taste and aromas that invoke nostalgia even in the hearts of galaxies.

A thread of camaraderie tightly weaves Hector’s interactions with his colleagues. His warm camaraderie and genuine respect for his fellow crew members are palpable. A telltale sign of his character, he harbors a particular fondness for Tatiana, a comrade whose absence leaves a void in the dynamic of their shared endeavor. Hector’s protective instincts emerge when Tatiana is absent, as he despises the sight of others capitalizing on her downtime.

Loyalty is etched into Hector’s very essence. His dedication to the collective cause and his affinity for those around him are the gravitational forces that anchor him in this celestial home. To him, the camaraderie and sense of belonging are constellations that light his path, and he reciprocates with ardor.

In the grand tapestry of the Neetoi galaxy’s narrative, Hector’s presence is an unexpected yet harmonious note—a melody of loyalty, culinary finesse, and an unwavering bond that ties him to the cosmos and the companions who share his cosmic voyage.