Birth Galaxy: Ca’Vais

Emerging from the enigmatic expanse of the Ca’Vais galaxy, Melinda is a study in nonchalance—a solitary star within the cosmic tapestry. She moves through the currents of existence with an air of detachment, refraining from weaving herself into the intricate threads of others’ lives. Her stance on conversation is clear: she bestows it rarely, her interactions a guarded realm where only the most persistent rays of connection can penetrate.

A peculiar pattern distinguishes Melinda’s interactions, as men find themselves shrouded in her silence, except for a lone exception—Hector. A culinary maestro capable of kindling her interest, he is the singular ember that manages to breach her resolute indifference. Hector’s dishes speak a language that transcends her barriers, an unspoken bridge connecting their disparate worlds.

As for her own narrative, Melinda is a shadow cast upon the sands of time. She preserves her past as an enigma, a realm untouched by revelation. The whisper of her involvement in the military forces of the Ca’Vais galaxy dances on the fringes of galactic gossip, yet her lips remain sealed in stoic silence, divulging nothing of the battles she may have fought or the stars she may have navigated.

The cosmic winds that carry her to the Neetoi galaxy rustle with the secrets of her journey. Her motivations and intentions remain cloaked in ambiguity—a mystery to the very realm that now houses her enigmatic presence. Whether driven by destiny, escape, or a quest for something beyond the stars, Melinda’s purpose in this new galaxy remains an unsolved enigma, waiting to be unraveled by those who dare to seek the truths hidden beneath her quiet exterior.