Birth Galaxy: Unknown

Tatiana, a being of enigmatic origins, shrouds herself in the mysteries of her past, a nebula of secrets concealing her cosmic roots. What is clear, however, is her relentless pursuit of wealth, a gravitational force that seems to drive her very essence. From which corner of the cosmos she emerged remains veiled, her origin a riddle that no star map can unravel.

Within the realm of the bar, her loyalties shine as brilliantly as distant galaxies. Bound by a steadfast devotion, she stands as a sentinel for her companions, a stalwart ally whose fidelity could rival the steadfastness of celestial bodies. Her friendship with Pops, the nucleus of their shared space, affirms her place in this constellation of camaraderie.

Hints of her past emerge as constellations on the horizon—a glimpse of military experience that shapes her persona with an aura of discipline and authority. This unspoken chapter lingers in the cosmic winds, whispering of battles fought and stars navigated, yet her lips remain sealed, a silent sentinel guarding her history.

Tatiana’s role transcends that of a mere employee; she’s a cosmic conductor of order. With an unwavering hand, she orchestrates the celestial ballet of the workforce, aligning trajectories to maintain the harmonious balance within the bar’s universe.

It was Pops who extended the cosmic hand, intertwining their fates and inviting her to partake in the Neetoi Galaxy’s narrative. The reasons behind this cosmic alignment remain shrouded, a phenomenon that only the threads of time and space could hope to unravel. In the interstellar dance of lives, Tatiana’s presence is an enigma—tied to loyalty, driven by ambition, and suspended within the cosmic ballet.