Birth Galaxy: Ca’Vais

Originating in the enigmatic Ca’Vais Galaxy before finding an unexpected haven within Neetoi’s celestial expanse, Trista is a paradox of presence. Her attention seems elusive, effortlessly sidestepping the world’s offerings as if they were mere fleeting stardust. A shimmering aura of self-centeredness envelops her, a gravitational force drawing her thoughts and focus inward rather than toward the currents of the external cosmos.

Within the realm of work, Trista’s orbit appears erratic. The mantle of a diligent worker often slips from her shoulders, replaced instead by a penchant for chatter. Words flow from her like constellations in the night sky, cascading and intertwining with the air around her. Yet, her contributions to tasks at hand often pale, leaving observers to wonder where her dedication truly lies.

The enigma deepens when conversation drifts toward her own history. Attempts to navigate her past are met with skillful evasion as she weaves a cosmic dance, diverting topics like comets on erratic trajectories. The threads of her narrative remain hidden, a constellation obscured by the veils of mystery.

Curiously, Trista thrives in the company of her colleagues at the bar, a place where galaxies of individuals converge. A sense of belonging among diverse souls becomes evident, painting a portrait of camaraderie and connection that contrasts her otherwise self-centered aura.

The cosmic question lingers, however: why did Trista’s trajectory intersect with Neetoi’s embrace? The rationale behind her cosmic voyage remains shrouded in nebulous haze—a puzzle piece waiting to be placed in a story that seeks coherence amidst the stars.